Membership and Fundraising

Membership is open to all faculty, staff, and alumni of Brooklyn College. Comrades who do not identify as Black are welcome to attend our meetings and events, pay dues, and donate to support our initiatives. 

If you would like to become a member of the Black Faculty and Staff at BC, please make a membership contribution. Our membership contribution is $20 for the academic year, additional contributions are also welcomed. All contributions are now tax-deductible.

You can make your contribution via the Brooklyn College Foundation online. Please note Black Faculty and Staff Fund (#60205200) in the Fund Designation so that the contribution can make it to the BFS@BC account.

Ways to Support Our Programming and Events: 

  • Make a tax-deductible donation to the BFSA Scholarship Fund via the Brooklyn College Foundation online. Please note the Carrie Roberts Memorial Award in the Fund Designation. Contributions to the award do not count toward the membership contribution.

2024 100-Strong Membership Campaign

Help us boost our active membership to 100 members strong for the 2023-24 academic year by sharing what we do and inviting someone to our events and meetings. If you have not paid your dues for the year, please see the link above to make your membership contribution. Our annual membership dues ($20) go a long way in allowing us to function as an organization, and all paid members receive a certificate and a pin that they can display.